About Us
Our Doctors
The Reno chiropractors at Northern Nevada Chiropractic are passionate about wellness, rehabilitation of the body, and helping their patients achieve a pain-free and optimal quality of life. Each of our three doctors focus on various areas of patient care, giving NNC a well-rounded and holistic approach to patient care.
The doctors of NNC also collaborate on most cases, giving our patients the advantage of second opinions without ever having to schedule an outside appointment. Get to know our doctors a little more by visiting their individual pages. Then get in touch to make your appointment. We look forward to taking care of you!
Dr. Daniel Welch
Dr. Welch takes a whole-body approach when it comes to chiropractic, as he has certifications in nutrition, radiology, prenatal care, biomechanics, and extremity rehabilitation. Dr. Welch is nationally certified in non-surgical spinal decompression.
Dr. Nicolas Riley
Understanding that hips, shoulders and knees were problematic for a large portion of the population, Dr. Riley prefers to help his patients with comprehensive chiropractic care while teaching them ways to help themselves heal more quickly through stretches, postures and pain-relieving exercises.
Dr. Caleb Mitchell
Dr. Mitchell received his Bachelors in Biomedical Science from Northwest Missouri State University and went on to get his Doctor of Chiropractic from Cleveland University-Kansas City. As a chiropractor, his mission is to help patients live better lives without pain or limited mobility.